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Books, Autographs & Prints / Part I

Tuesday 30 March 2021, 03:00 PM • Rome


Gabuzio, Giovanni Antonio

De vita et rebus gestis Pii V. Pont. Max. Sex books., 1605


€ 100 - 200


€ 307

The price includes buyer's premium


Rome, ex typographia Aloisij Zannetti, 1605. In 4 °. Chalcographic papal coat of arms on the title page, beautiful portrait of Pope Pius V a + 6v, woodcut initials, page 243 incorrectly numbered 323, letterpress mark on the last card, some slightly burnished cards, sporadic blooms and redness, contemporary parchment binding with manuscript title on the back with 4 nerves, some stains and slight signs of wear. § Together in the lot the plaque & nbsp; Instruction for the rescuers of the three tithes imposed by the holiness of our lord Pope Clement tenth on clergy of Italy, and of the adjacent islands . Of the most eminent, and most respectable Mr. card. Altieri Camerlengo . Rome, printer of the R. Cam. Apost, 1674. In 4th. Coat of arms of Cardinal Altieri on the title page in red and black ink, modern card binding.