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Books, Autographs & Prints / Part I

Tuesday 30 March 2021, 03:00 PM • Rome



Prose and verses to honor the memory of Livia Doria Caraffa Princess of the S.R. Imp. And della Rocella by some renowned authors, 1784


€ 150 - 250


€ 192

The price includes buyer's premium


Parma, impr e sso n e lla R e al e & nbsp; Stamp e of Parma, 1784. In 4 °. 2 chalcographic portraits engraved by Raffa e llo Morgh and n, from sogg and tto & nbsp; e & nbsp; dis e gno di F e d e l e & nbsp; Fisch e tti, 6 multi engravings e na page by Bianchi, of which 3 from sogg e tto & nbsp; e & nbsp; dis e gno by Antonio Magri, 69 titles, 41 letterheads, 42 culs-de-lamp and 16 frames engraved by Bossi, front door lining ta, partly detached and with redness as well as the title card, in the white margin of p. 147 ink blot, l e in vit gatura and llo marbled brown, to the compartments of the smooth back blond Moroccan gusset with title imprinted in gold, red cuts, small defects. On the counter plate Ex Bibliotheca Thomae Vargas Macciucca.

Specialist Notes

Before & nbsp; e dizion e , rare. & nbsp; Brooks lo d e finisc e & nbsp; among the most b and the books printed by Bodoni. R e nouard the appr e zza p e r '' the magnific e nc e & nbsp; d e & nbsp; the and x e cution, the multitud e & nbsp; d e s gravur e s & nbsp; e t the rar e té d e s & nbsp; e x and mplair < span class = "match" style = "text-shadow: none;"> e s ''. Brun e t IV, 909; Brooks, no. 250.