Miscellanea scientifica
Miscellanee inglesi, 1800
€ 150 - 200
At auction on Wednesday 18 June 2025 at 05:05
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Interessante miscellanea di opere inglesi e americane, per lo più sulla concologia e sui fossili, inclusi alcuni estratti da pubblicazioni scientifiche. Tra le altre: Isaac Lea, Check list of the Shells of North America, G. Roberts, Remarks upon the present condition of geological science, 1864; A catalogue of the shells of Great Britain and Ireland, 1857; J. Couthouy. Remarks upon coral formation in the Pacific, 1842; S. Hanley, The linnean manuscript of the "Museum ulricae", 1859; J. Hall, Descriptions of new species of paleozoic fossils, 1857; J. Hall, Note upon the Genus Paleaster and other fossil starfishes, 1866. Lotto non passibile di restituzione.