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Book, Autographs & Prints

Friday 16 December 2016, 10:30 AM • Rome


Raccolta costumi Esercito Murattiano 1800, 1800


€ 2.000 - 2.500

At auction on Wednesday 18 June 2025 at 03:53

0 days 0 hours

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Raccolta manoscritta di 23 acquerelli, ciascuno circa mm. 250 x 74, di divise militari dell'Esercito del Regno delle Due Sicilie, ogni tavola reca una didascalia indicante il reggimento e il grado dell' effigiato, presentano rialzi in oro e vi sono rappresentati anche tre cavalleggeri con le relative cavalcature, bruniture, legatura moderna in mezza pelle marrone con al piatto anteriore l'antica etichetta con titolo in oro.
Gioacchino Murat, Maresciallo di Francia e Gran Duca di Berg diventò re nel 1808 e rimase tale fino al 1815 anche se della sola parte continentale del Regno di Napoli.

Condition report

To request a Condition Report, please contact The department will provide you with a general report of the condition of the property described above. Please note that what Finarte declares with respect to the state of conservation of the objects corresponds only to a qualified opinion and that we are not professional conservators or restorers. We urge you to consult with a restorer or conservator of your choice who will be better able to provide a detailed, professional report. We always suggest prospective buyers to inspect each lot to satisfy themselves as to condition during the exhibition days as indicated in the catalog.

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