H 18 cm
Divination mask.
Miniature divination mask used as a repository for the spirits of the larger masks, no longer used. A repository closed with jute fabric and cowries, containing magic substances was placed on the back. A long iron piece under the chin was used to stick the mask into the ground for use during divination rituals. A long indigenous fabric envelops the mask.
- Former Paolo Morigi collection (Lugano);
- Former private collection (Lugano);
- Lugano 2002, Palazzo Riva, Banca Svizzera Italiana (BSI);
- MORIGI PAOLO “Raccolta di un amatore d’arte primitiva”, Magliaso, Lugano & Kunstmuseum Bern, Switzerland 1980, fig. 48, page 72;
- VENTURI LUCA M. “Anime antiche, arte negra, da una raccolta di sculture dell’Africa occidentale” BSI Bank, Lugano 2002, fig. 85;