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1000 Finarte / Automobilia

Monday 13 May 2019, 03:00 PM • Brescia


Bronze scuplture "Ferrari 375 Plus" made by Francois Chevalier


€ 8.000 - 10.000

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François Chevalier was born in Lyon (France) in 1942. He was an artist who attended the circuits, driving racing cars, before representing them in paintings and sculptures. In 1965, he became an instructor of the "Bugatti" in the short circuit of Le Mans. He graduated from the University of Montreal in 1969 and was the director of the Paul-Ricard circuit from 1970 until its closure in 1999. He was also the organiser of major automotive events. World-famous designer and sculptor: some of his large sculptures are exhibited at the Mullin Automotive Museum and in the area of ​​St. Devote in Montecarlo. At the age of 12, he was accompanied by his parents to the 24 Heures de Le Mans in 1954. The victory of Gonzalez / Trintignant on Ferrari 375 Plus, the same car brought only a month before to the XXI Mille Miglia by Marzotto / Marini, remains an unforgettable memory for the artist so much that he realised the bronze model at auction.

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