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Recollections: Modern and Contemporary Art's Books and Documents

Thursday 16 July 2020, 04:30 PM • Rome


Set completo di sei poster - Abramovic, Marina

(Belgrado 1946)

Rhythm 4 - 1974 [Rhytm 4], Padua, Mastrogiacomo Editore, [s.d. ma 1978], 6 posters 49.5x34 cm.

Artist's Resale Right


€ 1.200 - 1.400


€ 2.816

The price includes buyer's premium


Six posters differentiated only by the background color: black and white, light blue, green, yellow, orange and red, each with 4 b.n. that portray the artist during his first Italian performance. Complete series, published on the occasion of the publication of Luciano Inga-Pin's book "Performances, Happenings, Actions, Events, Activities, Installations", Padua, Mastrogiacomo Editore, 1978.

Specialist Notes

The 45-minute performance "Rhytm 4" was performed in 1974 at Inga Pin's Diagram Gallery in Milan: "Rhytm 4. Space A. Performance. I slowly approach the air blower, taking air in as much is possible. Just above the opening of the blower I lose with

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