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Fine Antique Arms and Militaria from around the world

Thursday 20 June 2024 e Friday 21 June 2024, 10:00 AM • Sarzana


A rare ceremonial helmet for a Cuirasser in full dress uniform, About 1940


€ 1.800 - 2.500


€ 5.625

The price includes buyer's premium


height 32 cm.
German silver skull with gilded mounts, brass crest with beautiful gilding, crest shaped as a lion's head with black horsehair tail, olive with crowned Savoy shield, rays surmounted by an eagle with silvered crown, charged with the monogram VE III (Victor Emmanuel III 1900-1946). Typical scaled chin-strap with round cheek-pieces featuring a star, cotton tricolour cockade and original red and white plume. Visors inside, covered in red Moroccan leather, light leather sweat-band worked in segments.

Specialist Notes

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Si tratta di un'asta indipendente da Finarte e come tale gestita interamente a Sarzana da Czerny's. Per oggetti considerati "arma" dalla legge italiana per l'acquisto è necessaThis is an independent auction from Finarte and as such is managed entirely in Sarzana by Czerny's.