Specialist Notes
Of great importance for Milanese architecture, the book was born following a controversy between the author and the master builder of the Cathedral factory, Pellegrino Tibaldi (1527 - 1596), on the perspective solution adopted by the latter in some interventions in the Milanese Cathedral. Bassi, who succeeded Tibaldi in 1587, organized an investigation which was followed by the opinions of the most famous architects of the time, Vignola, Palladio, Vasari and Bertani, and then collected these testimonies in this work. "Such interventions contributed to the fame of the pamphlet, which still today ranks among the most interesting texts of mannerist architecture" (DBI). In addition to the Cathedral, Martino Bassi (1542 / 48 - 1591) worked on the factories of S. Vittore, on the reconstruction of S. Lorenzo, on the facade of the church of S. Maria in San Celso and again in Milan on the church of S. Fedele.
Fowler 40. Berlin Katalog 2600. Cicognara 423. Comolli III, pp. 151 - 153. Schlosser Magnino, p. 413. M.L. Trebiliani, DBI VII (1970).