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Books, Autographs & Prints

Wednesday 15 June 2022 e Thursday 16 June 2022, 03:00 PM • Rome


Boileau Despréaux, Nicolas

Oeuvres de Nicolas Boileau Despréaux, 1718


€ 500 - 1.000

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& nbsp; Amsterdam, David Mortier, & nbsp; 1718 . In 2nd. 2 volumes. & Nbsp; both frontispieces printed in red and black characters with vignette with the portrait of Erasmus, elegant allegorical figured front door, full page portrait of the author engraved by Drevet, portrait & nbsp; de lla Principessa & nbsp; de l & nbsp; Wales & nbsp; de dicataria & nbsp; de Gunst's full-page work after Kneller, & nbsp; headboards, initials, end caps, text framed by typographic frame, 6 full-page engravings with opening & nbsp; de i "Canti" & nbsp; < span class = "match" style = "text-shadow: none;"> by & nbsp; Le Lutrin, brownings and blooms, scattered, & nbsp; Contemporary brown calfskin bindings, embossed decoration, plates framed by Greek frame and stylized geographic elements, spine with 6 nerves, with title compartments in gold and friezes, front plate of the first detached volume. Engraved bookplate by Count Samminiatelli on counterplates. & Nbsp;

Specialist Notes

Elegant edition of the & nbsp; work of & nbsp; Boileau-Despréau, with the & nbsp; remarkable illustrations & nbsp; by Bernard Picart.
Premiere edition de luxe que l'on ait donnee de ce grand poete. Elle se recommande et par sa belle execution typogr. et par d'assez bonnes estampes ou vignettes ". (Brunet)
Cohen-R. 166; Brunet I 1058.

Condition report

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