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Books, Autographs & Prints

Wednesday 15 June 2022 e Thursday 16 June 2022, 03:00 PM • Rome


Legature - Napoleonica

Manuscript of the prisoner of Sant-Elena received from that Island in an unknown manner, 1820


€ 150 - 250


€ 435

The price includes buyer's premium


Naples, Porcelli, 1820. In 8 °. Slight marginal burnishing on the first and last cards, rare blooms, coeval leather binding, plates framed by frame, gold title within red gusset on the smooth spine with golden decorations, golden cuts, slight halo on the front plate. § Ponzileoni, Ludovico , The Divine Mercy at all times . In 12th. Rome, Marini, 1841. Rare and slight blooms, coeval leather binding, elegant gold impressions on the plates, author and title within a green gusset on the back with gold decorations, green cuts, very slight defects.