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Books, Autographs & Prints

Wednesday 15 June 2022 e Thursday 16 June 2022, 03:00 PM • Rome


Cibrario, Luigi

Historical description of religious orders, 1845


€ 100 - 200

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Turin, Fontana printing plant, 1845. In 4 °. Only vol. first. With only 65 hand-colored lithographic plates engraved by Duverger, depicting characters with the characteristic costumes of the order to which they belong. § Historical description of the orders of chivalry . Turin, Fontana typographical establishment, 1846. Only the first vol. With only 22 hand-colored lithographic plates depicting medals, honors, coats of arms and decorations, water gore, blooms and redness, same binding in full parchment of the time, on the back leather pieces of different colors, author and title imprinted in gold , defects. & nbsp; & nbsp;

Specialist Notes

Luigi Cibrario (Turin 1802-1870), historian and statesman, foreign minister, senator and member of the Turin Academy, wrote a large number of historical-literary works on the House of Savoy which earned him his friendship and the sympathies of Carlo Alberto. Colas 622; Lipperheide II, 1930. & Nbsp;

Condition report

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