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Books, Autographs & Prints

Wednesday 15 June 2022 e Thursday 16 June 2022, 03:00 PM • Rome


Auguste Comte

Traité philosophique d'astronomie populaire: ou exposition systematique de toutes les notions de philosophie astronomique, soit scientifiques, soit logiques, qui doivent devenir universallement familiéres, 1844


€ 150 - 250

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Paris, Carilian-Gœury et Dalmont, 1844. In the 8th. With 1 folded table card, light browning, slight scattered blooms, coeval binding in half green leather, author and title stamped in gold on the 4-rib spine with gold decorations on the compartments, slight signs of wear. & Nbsp;

Specialist Notes

First edition of this treatise by the illustrious French philosopher Auguste Comte (1798-1857) considered the founder of positivism. He extended the scientific method to all fields of investigation, including that of human behavior. In order to reorganize society on a scientific basis, he classified "social physics" or sociology, as he coined it, a science on a par with the others if not the most important. Order and progress mutually reinforce each other and allow social life. (The motto stands out on the Brazilian flag and derives precisely from Comte's definition of positivism "Love as a principle and order as a basis; progress as the ultimate goal".

Condition report

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