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Thursday 24 June 2021 e Friday 25 June 2021, 03:00 PM • Rome


Barlandus, Hadrianus

Dialogi [...], Vna cum dialogue Augustini Reymarii ... de chartarum ludo: ac Barlandi opusculo, de insignibus oppidis Germaniae inferioris, 1543


€ 150 - 250


€ 1.408

The price includes buyer's premium


Lyon, Sébastien Gryphius, 1543. In 8th. Legato with [Lando, Ortensio] , Cicero relegatus et Cicero revocatus: festive dialogues, & nbsp; Venice, Melchiorre Sessa, 1534. & nbsp; Legato with [Lando, Hydrangea] & nbsp; Forcianae quaestiones, in quibus uaria Italorum ingenia explicantur, multaque alia scitu not indignant. Author Philatethe Polytopiensi ciue, & nbsp; Naples, ex officina Martino da Ragusa, 1536. & nbsp; Linked with & nbsp; [Lando, Ortensio] & nbsp;, & nbsp; Miscellaneae quaestiones , Venice, Gabriele Giolito de Ferrari & amp; Brothers, 1550. (A2, B-F⁸G2). & Nbsp; Linked with & nbsp; Bérauld, Nicolas , & nbsp; Dialogus. Quo rationes quedam explicantur, quibus dicendi ex tempore facultas parari potest: decque ipsa dicendi ex tempore facultate [...], Lyons, Sébastien Gryphius, 1534. Linked with Barthélemy, Nicolas , < i> Momiae. Ejusdem panegyricus heroicus in Deiparam virginem Mariam , & nbsp; [Paris] vaenundantur ab Jodoco Badio Ascensio [1515]. & Nbsp; Linked with & nbsp; Du Choul, Jean, & nbsp; Dialogus formicae , muscae, aranei, et papilionis , Lyons, Guillaume Rouillé, 1556. Missing the last white paper. & nbsp; Linked with & nbsp; Dionysius Periegetes; & nbsp; Lemnius, Simon, & nbsp; De situ habitabilis orbis to Simone Lemnio poet laureate nuper Latinus factus , Venice, & nbsp; Emperor, Bartholomew & amp; Imperatore, Francesco, 1543. Illustrated frontispiece burnished and with small spots. Specimen with slight browning, more intense on a few papers, sporadic blooms, some halo and redness, especially in the last issues, some woodworm holes, contemporary parchment binding, blue cuts, some stains on the plates, woodworm holes on the back, small lack to the cap, slight defects. & nbsp;

Specialist Notes

Beautiful miscellany of editions of the century. XVI.