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Books, Autographs & Prints

Wednesday 18 November 2020, 10:30 AM • Rome


Renato Guttuso

(Bagheria 1911 - Roma 1987)

Books, dedications and drawings, 1960

Artist's Resale Right


€ 2.200 - 2.400


€ 2.560

The price includes buyer's premium


Beautiful photo of Renato Guttuso with Fabrizio Clerici and Marcello Carapezza in Velate, d edica of Guttuso in Clerici; set of 8 volumes with beautiful and heartfelt dedications by Guttuso to Clerici, including some wonderful drawings; sheet with dedication.

Specialist Notes

Renato Guttuso. Zeichnungen 1930-1970.Mit einem einführenden Essay von Giuseppe Ungaretti.
Propyläen-Verlag < / span> , Berlin, Frankfurt am Main, Wien, ca. 1970.
Design and dedication by Renato Guttuso to Fabrizio Clerici: “To Amico Fabrizio, with love, with safety , with imagination, for the past and future years his friend, brother Renato Guttuso / 29-6-1971. [drawing with Sicilian landscape. Prickly pears and dove]. 35 x 25.5 cm pen on paper.

Renato Guttuso. Works from 1931 to 1981, Sansoni, Florence, 1982.

Drawing and dedication by Renato Guttuso to Fabrizio Clerici: “To my beloved Fabrizio, with all my heart, Renato Guttuso [drawing with heart]. 23,5 x 20 cm pen and red colored pencil on paper.

Renato Guttuso. Notes, Reflections and Memories in the margin of the page; with an introduction by Costanzo Costantini, 34, Galleria Ca 'd'Oro, 1979.

Dedication and drawing (dove) by Renato Guttuso to Fabrizio Clerici:" for Fabrizio (this is no ordinary dove) (maybe it's not even a dove) - But Fabrizio is my brother - Renato / Guttuso4-12- ' 79 ". 31 x 24 cm, pen on paper.

Wilhelm Von Gloeden, Taormina début de siècle. Photographies du Baron de Gloeden, Editions du Chène, Paris, 1975.
Renato Guttuso's dedication to Fabrizio Clerici: “to Fabrizio, with affection, Rome, 26-06-'78" . 23 x 22.5 cm pen on paper.