RARA PRIMA EDIZIONE DI UNA DELLE PIETRE MILIARI DELLA MEDICINA MODERNA, IL LAVORO FONDATIVO DELLA MODERNA EPIDEMIOLOGIA, il primo a teorizzare la relazione tra germi e infezioni. Nel De Sympathia Fracastoro getta “le basi teoriche delle leggi che regolano la vita e comunicazione tra i corpi nel cosmo”. L’opera "establishes Fracastoro as one of the foremost scientists of all time, and earns him the title of founder of modern epidemiology. De contagione contains the first scientifically reasoned statement of the true nature of infection, contagion, and the germ theory of disease and is the foundation of all modern views on the nature of infectuous diseases... Fracastoro's influence is also clearly reflected in the work of such modern scientists as Louis Pasteur, Joseph Lister, and Robert Koch as they broadened and furthered man's knowledge of infectuous diseases." - Heirs of Hippocrates; "This book represents a landmark in the development of our knowledge of infectuous disease. Fracastorus was the first to state the germ theory of infection. He recognized typhus and suggested the contagiousness of tuberculosis. Haeser describes him as the "founder of scientific epidemology", Garrison & Morton. Adams F-821; BM/STC Italian p. 275; Cushing F275; Heirs of Hippocrates 101; Garrison-Morton 2528; NLM/Durling 1636; Norman 827; Osler 2652; Waller 3163; Wellcome I:2393; Govi , 83.